Monday, November 1, 2010

Taco Soup on a Cold Evening

It definitely was a cold fall day today.  I had a meeting at work this afternoon in the coldest room in the building.  I froze and was upset that I left my grandma/teacher sweater (that's what my co-workers call it) on the back of my chair at my desk.  I love my grandma/teacher sweater - I got it at the thrift store for $3 and it has kept me warm at work now for over a year!!  So, while all my co-workers are frozen I am enjoying the warmth of that sweater that they tease me about.

On of my favorite soups to eat when it is cold outside is Taco Soup - I have been waiting to make it until it was cold outside. 

take all of this (plus the diced tomatoes you can't see - oops!)
and you get this...

Taco Soup yumminess!!
I eat it with tortilla chips

I am sure you probably know how to make this, but I put the recipe on the recipe page for you just in case.

The only thing that would have made this evening better is if I had a fire going in the fire place.


  1. This soup is amazing...I miss those days when we went over and ate taco soup and had fun with you! I shall try to make it here but it won't be the same. :-D Miss you!

  2. I have heard about this.....someone I know uses Chicken.



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