Friday, April 15, 2011


I haven't been blogging much in the last couple of weeks.  Mostly because I have been working overtime so, by the time I get home, I am tired and don't feel like doing much.  I will however, love my paychecks!  And I will spend some of that money taking my parents out to dinner and no, it will not be Mickey D's!  It will be somewhere nice - because you see - they are great parents.  Last weekend my dad spent his entire Sunday afternoon and part of the evening working on my vehicle....poor guy!  It was a the hardest, easiest fix as he said. If we would have had some different tools to use he wouldn't have had to spend so much time on it!  My mom was kind enough to feed me lunch, supper, and pack me a lunch for Monday at work.  So, I owe both of them.

So, a few weeks ago, I told you I was part of a hoop art swap sponsored by Heather at Life Made Lovely formerly known as Blessed Little Nest.

Here is the hoop art I got from Amber at Life Unscripted

It looks perfect with the colors in my living room - it hasn't found its permanent home as I keep moving it around - I love it!!

Below is the one I created and sent to Amber.  

I plan to make some more hoop art - it was really fun creating this!

 Right now I am working on some yarn wreaths - stay tuned because I will be giving one of the wreaths away!  Hope you have a great weekend!


  1. i love how you both used doilies! so fun.
    thanks for swapping. :)

  2. i'm glad you like it and that it matches :)



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