Monday, October 31, 2011

2nd Annual Stay-Cation

It is time for my second annual stay-cation.  I hadn't planned on actually having a stay-cation this year as I had plans to go visit my bestie, but upcoming major expensive car repairs are making me save my money and well, I believe my vehicle wouldn't have made the 4 hour trip.  I am sorry, M!!  I really wanted to come see you during your break, but it will have to wait until after the first of the year. 

So, I am making the best of my stay-cation.  The very best so far was not having to wake up to an alarm on Monday morning - oh how lovely is that!?!

I have done some cleaning which has been much over due. I then spent sometime decorating my pumpkins so they would be ready for the trick-or-treaters tonight. 

 My sister suggested using Mr. Potato Head pieces to decorate my pumpkins so she let me borrow my niece and nephews box of accessories - so many to choose from!
 Mr. Pumpkin
 Mrs. Pumpkin - she is holding a heart that says "cutie fry"  - it cracked me up!
 Yes, that is a drill and yes, I am drilling holes in my pumpkin - I saw it on pinterest

It is a little messy, but it cleans up nicely!
 My camera wasn't cooperating so this is the best picture that I was able to get of the finished product.
Any my finished pumpkins on the porch - aren't they lovely!?!

The rest of my day will involve mirrors, frames, newspaper, and masking tape.  I will be preparing things for spray paint tomorrow.  I have to get these things done today or tomorrow because the weather is going to turn cold and rainy!  y-u-c-k!!

I am linking up with Heather at Life Made Lovely today.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Weekend Ramblings

I finally feel like I may have recovered from being ill.
I don't wish that on anyone!

The one bright side of being that ill was that I lost 16 pounds.  I don't recommend weight loss that way, but hey - I have now lost 36 pounds in the last 9 months!  I still have a l-o-n-g way to go, but it is a start!

My friend's son came up to me in church and gave me a bag of trail mix and told me that he went through the same thing this week. 

This note was attached:
How sweet is that!?

I had a college friend in town this week - her 5 year old gave me this:
She drew all of the animals she saw while in the science hall that her parents and I attended. 

The rest my weekend consisted of:

unclogging drains and laundry

The pumpkin patch w/ family
Photos from the pumpkin patch to come later.

What did you do this weekend?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I have been ill since Saturday morning.  I do not like being sick, but as my mother reminded me "no one does!" So, true.  But, I am the girl who got mad that she was sick and had to miss tests in school.  Seriously what kid gets mad about that!?  I guess I am mad to be missing work because I will be so far behind when I get to go back later this week. 

The dr has ordered me to stay home, which is good since I am so week - I haven't been able to eat since Friday night.   I have tried, but I will spare you the details!

I am a busy body and a social person so this being at home alone for days with no energy to do anything sucks.  I spend lots of time laying in my bed or on my couch - I sit up for small periods, but it wears me out...ugh! 

I am just thankful for friends and family who have offered to bring me stuff, magazines, tv, blogs, facebook, pinterest, and sleep to keep me occupied. 

I certainly hope that your week is going better than mine!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


I was driving home one day singing this song a the top of my lungs:

(for some reason I could actually put the video in my post - urg!!)

I looked back and to my right to change lanes and I saw a beautiful rainbow and it brought me to tears.

I captured this rainbow on my way to work one day.  I could see a double rainbow most of the time but it was faint and I couldn't get it to come through in my photo.  I got to see this one almost my entire 30 minute drive to work.

So beautiful!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Where does the time go??

Just 6 years ago I was reading stories to the little lady!


Tonight she read 4 books to me!
Where oh' where does the time go?

It is so fun though to watch her grow up, learn and experience new things.



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