Sunday, November 7, 2010

I just crocheted my first dish cloth!

I have always wanted to learn how to crochet.  My mom has crocheted for years and has tried to teach me on more than one occasion.  I never could get it.  Guess I just wasn't ready.

My friend Olivia came over on Friday night to teach me.  Poor girl didn't know what a challenge she was in for - ha!  Though, she did say that I was a quick learner - I certainly didn't feel like I was.  Guess it was the bit of practice I had from when my mom tried to teach me.  Anyway, I am slow and that irritates me - back to the impatient thing I guess. 

Here is what Olivia got done

Here is what I got done in the same amount of time

Today I finally finished it

I am glad to have learned - not sure I remember everything she taught me, but at least I can say I made something!!  Guess what my family is getting for Christmas?

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