Sunday, November 14, 2010

Busy Weekend

This weekend was busy! 
Friday night the ladies came over for our final evening of disucssing the book
Crazy Love - Overwhelmed by a Relentless God
It was such a great book!!
I am looking forward to out next book - Beth Moore's So Long Insecurities.

Saturday was busy, busy, busy at work and then I went to a party in the evening -
we sat outside around the fire.  It was 44 degrees outside and I sat out there without my coat for awhile.
The silly hormones they have me on are giving me hot flashes!  I don't like them and I have a new appreciation for women going through menopause!

My sister and her husband needed a date night Friday night so, my parents came over to watch my niece and nephew while I went to the party and then I came home and bathed the kids and put them to bed.  Usually we all crawl into bed and everyone including me is out like a light....not so much this night!  Oh my goodness - we were up late and up often.  Korrine had nightmares and started screaming and kicking me in the middle of the night and John kept waking up needing a drink or chapstick or I am not sure what and
I woke up because I was H-O-T!! ugh!

Sunday morning we woke up and I made Mickey Mouse pancakes - the kids love them!

They were so happy at breakfast!

For John that happiness didn't last long and to be honest my happiness ran out too - I get mood swings along with the hot flashes and between those and John being tired we didn't get along so well, he ended up breaking a lamp and making a giant mess in the bathroom and I ended up putting him in timeout more than once and we were late to church.  Even though all of that happened I wouldn't trade my time with them for anything - I love them beyond words and look forward to the next sleepover!  I can't wait until my other niece Tennessee is able to join us!!

I have now done everything I needed to get done today including paying the bills - yuck!  Now, I am going to crochet and relax in front of the TV for the rest of the evening!

Hope your weekend was good!

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