Sunday, October 3, 2010

Craft Sunday

I saw this great idea idea here to make a clothesline photo display.  I did mine a little bit different.  I had some bulletin boards that I bought at the ETC shop for 50 cents.  I decided to spray paint them dark brown.

I then hot glued string to it and hot glued buttons over the ends to cover up my mess.
I had small clothespins that I had picked up a couple of years ago and never did anything with.  I made a large display for my hall upstairs and a small one for my bedroom. 

I finally decided what to do with that brown and blue floral fabric I bought.  I picked up some embroidery hoops at the ETC shop for about 25 cents each and I put the fabric in 3 hoops that were different sizes.

I then hung my smaller clothesline photo display next to them.

Now for the last project of the day...this is what my front door has looked liked since the day I moved in - boring and not inviting! 

Remember that fabric I told you that I didn't know what to do with?

Well, I have seen buntings all over the other blogs I read so, I decided to use some of that fabric and the wooden letters I have and make a bunting for the front door. 

Ah - so much more fun and inviting.  I had all of the pieces upside down so that I could glue each fabric piece to the string ... I turned it around so that I could admire it and realized that I had glued the fabric in the wrong order!  Yikes - instead of spelling W-E-L-C-O-M-E I spelled E-M-O-C-L-E-W!  I was so frustrated!  Thank goodness the fabric was forgiving and the glue game off easy so I didn't have to completely start over!  Next time I will glue the letters on after I put the fabric on the string!


  1. LOVE the photo clothespin display! If I made one, maybe then, I would actually print some pictures!!!!!!!!

  2. Your photo clothespin display is so cute-thanks for sharing.



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