Thursday, October 7, 2010

Busy Week

This week has been busy, frustrating and sprinkled with happy moments.


I have had something going on everyday this week except for Monday evening.

Tuesday I got to see...Tennessee!!  

Who couldn't love that face!?!

Wednesday was church.
Thursday night Taste of Newton - if you haven't been - there are 3 blocks of food vendors and you can't find just about anything you want - I eat the same thing every year - smoked chicken prepared by some really good friends.  You walk, eat, and talk to everyone in town!

We ate homemade ice cream while listening to the jazz band from the high school.  My nephew John danced his little heart out - he should sleep well tonight!!

I got to spend my Taste of Newton evening with ....

Oh and my parents and sister were there too - I would have pics from it, if I hadn't walked out of the house without my camera.

In between all of this I have managed to get some cleaning done, grocery shopping, laundry and working 40 hours. I should have done more reading as tomorrow night is book club and I still have one chapter to read. Then there is Saturday where I will work all day - (yes, I work 6 days a week!) and then I will get together with some of my friends from college! And I will look forward to seeing even more of them the following Saturday!!


I took my vehicle in for a simple oil change and they call me and tell me that I need almost $1,000.00 worth of repairs - no thanks!  I asked to just complete the oil change and I would decide on the other stuff.  I consider myself a pretty car savvy woman - you see my father is very car savvy and well, poor man, was blessed with little girls instead of little boys.  I guess that is actually better for me because whatever he would have taught a boy he taught me - okay well, he taught me a lot - I am sure if he had a son that he would have paid more attention and learned more than I did.  Anyway....I consulted him and we both decided there was at least one of the thing that should be done, but I took it somewhere else for the work - guess what?  They did the work I asked and didn't have a  long list of unnecessary repairs!  I was so ticked at the other place for trying to scam me just because I am a woman - ugh!!

Moments of happiness...

Those are the moments spent with my family.

Hope your week wasn't as crazy as mine.

1 comment:

  1. I hate it when car places do that! I had that happen a few years ago at a place that is supposedly run by christians. FOund out later that they have a reputation for taking advantage of people. Glad I took my car elsewhere for a second opinion!



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