Monday, July 18, 2011

Need Your Help!

Awhile back I entered a giveaway on Megan's blog and I WON!!  She was giving away a photo session.  I decided to have her take photos of my 2 nieces and nephew and we finally coordinated every one's schedules and we took the pictures last weekend.  You can see them on Megan's photography blog by clicking here.  While you are there check out her other amazing photos.  She did a great job with the photos of the kids - I LOVE them!!!  Thanks, Megan!!!


Okay everyone!  My cutie pie niece, Tennessee, is in a cutest baby contest.  I need your help to vote for her.  All you have to do is go to:  either or and vote for her in the CUTEST Baby Contest. She is #212 and you can vote once tomorrow and once on Wednesday.

Your votes would be most APPRECIATED!!!

This isn't the picture they used, but how could you NOT think that face is the cutest!?! 

Thanks in advance for your votes!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out and the compliments!!! So happy you love the pictures!



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