Getting O-L-D stinks!!
Okay - so it's not so much my age that really bothers me, but it's the things that happen to my body at my age that disturb me! Five years ago I turned 30 - didn't bother me - didn't go through a crisis! Then came 31- again, didn't bother me, but then wait - I look in the mirror one morning - what is that no, it can't be, yes, yes, it is- it's GRAY HAIR!! So, my oh, so kind friends telling me they can't see it and that is just looks like highlights since I am blonde, but guess what I see it! So, hence the coloring of the hair.
So, a few years go by - nothing good - not getting so old! Then comes 35 - holy crap I get adult acne worse than what I had when I was a teen. Are you kidding me?? It's so bad that my sister thinks that I have a bad rash on my forehead! So, I figure out the best cleansing routine and I get that under control - good. Then several months ago I realize I have a freaking mustache! What the heck?? I start trimming it because I knew not to shave it and I have heard these old wives tales that if I waxed it it would come back thicker and darker. ugh - what to do? It just keeps growing and I keep trimming and then I realize I am getting hair on the rest of my face - a beard? Are you kidding me!?! So, I researched it - waxing that is and tonight on my way home I buy a home waxing kit for $1.99 at Walgreen's. I am so excited because it is usually $5.99, but it was on sale and I had a coupon! So, I did it I waxed my face! OUCH - it was a little painful and now my upper lip is a bit on the red side, but I got rid of so much hair and it was worth it!
Guess I will just sit back and wait and see what happens next....growing old sucks!
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