Thursday, May 27, 2010


Has had some great friend moments over the last 24 hours!  I met up with a friend at a ballgame last night and she surprised me with a Sonic pop!  Oh, what a wonderful friend to bring you Sonic pop - she was a little disappointed because when she asked what my favorite drink was I told her Diet Coke with cherry & vanilla - she got me Diet Dr. Pepper with cherry & vanilla  - which is actually my second favorite Sonic drink.  I didn't care - I loved the fact that she thought of me! 

Then today I got a text towards the end of the work day asking me what i was going to be doing this evening.  My plan - paying bills and painting my finger nails.  Sounds terribly exciting huh?  She asked me to meet her for drinks and food. bills or hang out with a friend over drinks and food?  I went home and pay bills of course! - NOT!!  We had such a great time catching up!  The place we met at was more of a lounge atmosphere so most of the crowd was a lot older than we were.  But I must admit it was more my speed - we could actually talk and hear each other - no yelling over loud noise or music!  At one point I asked her if she thought the other ladies sitting around would be us in 40 years.  She and I both agreed that we hoped we would still be meeting for drinks and still have some spunk left in us! 

I know that I will be seeing Sex and the City 2 this weekend with some good friends and I hope to be meeting up with some friends with college.

All of these friends moments are exactly what I need!!  I miss my dear friend, M.N. who is on her way back to Texas as we speak!  I miss her already, but I am so happy for her to start a new chapter in her life! 

Take time to enjoy your friend moments....they are the moments that will sustain you!

God Bless my friendships!!

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