Thursday, May 27, 2010


Has had some great friend moments over the last 24 hours!  I met up with a friend at a ballgame last night and she surprised me with a Sonic pop!  Oh, what a wonderful friend to bring you Sonic pop - she was a little disappointed because when she asked what my favorite drink was I told her Diet Coke with cherry & vanilla - she got me Diet Dr. Pepper with cherry & vanilla  - which is actually my second favorite Sonic drink.  I didn't care - I loved the fact that she thought of me! 

Then today I got a text towards the end of the work day asking me what i was going to be doing this evening.  My plan - paying bills and painting my finger nails.  Sounds terribly exciting huh?  She asked me to meet her for drinks and food. bills or hang out with a friend over drinks and food?  I went home and pay bills of course! - NOT!!  We had such a great time catching up!  The place we met at was more of a lounge atmosphere so most of the crowd was a lot older than we were.  But I must admit it was more my speed - we could actually talk and hear each other - no yelling over loud noise or music!  At one point I asked her if she thought the other ladies sitting around would be us in 40 years.  She and I both agreed that we hoped we would still be meeting for drinks and still have some spunk left in us! 

I know that I will be seeing Sex and the City 2 this weekend with some good friends and I hope to be meeting up with some friends with college.

All of these friends moments are exactly what I need!!  I miss my dear friend, M.N. who is on her way back to Texas as we speak!  I miss her already, but I am so happy for her to start a new chapter in her life! 

Take time to enjoy your friend moments....they are the moments that will sustain you!

God Bless my friendships!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Welcome to by blog!  Several of my friends have told me that I should start a blog because I would be a good blogger...well, we will see if they were right!

This blog is titled Etc... for many reasons.  First it is because it will be about many different aspects of life - family, friends, love, favorite things, etc, etc, etc....   Second because some of my favorite memories and closest friendships have come from my second job at Etc.

Okay so I just got distracted by Bret Michaels on my television!  I know a lot of people don't like him, but there is something oddly fasinating about him to me.  Do I agree how he lives all aspects of his, but he is eye candy and I enjoy looking at him and listening to him sing! 

Anyway, I guess maybe I should have named my blog 'Random' instead of 'Etc...' because that was a random tidbit in the middle of this post!  Oh well, blogs are supposed to be about what's on your mind or about what is going on in your life right?! 

I hope that if you are reading this that you don't write me off right away and that you check back and hopefully I will have written something much more exciting!


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