I need more time in my day!
There is always so much that I want to get done and there never seems to be enough time to do it in!
I really feel like I need to purge my house again, but that is a BIG project and I need lots of time to do that in. I have the itch to be more organized - if you visited my house you probably wouldn't think I am unorganized, but if you opened my closets or my drawers you would be shocked! I need an entire weekend just to clean, purge and organize, but I have stuff going on this weekend and I am not sure I have the will power to wait until the following weekend so, this may become an evening project and my house may be a mess for quite a few days and I may just have to be okay with that! (I think that may be a run-on sentence, but I don't think I really care!)
Did I make the right decision?
I was asked to be on the Outreach Commission at my church. I agreed to finish out someone else's term for the next year. I prayed about it and I felt like God was leading me to do it, but it is something I do not feel like I am equipped to do. I absolutely know that it is very important to reach out to people, but I don't feel as passionately about it as others on the team or as much as I think that I should. That makes me wonder what I am doing and if I really prayed enough before I just jumped in. I know that God calls us to get out of our comfort zones and to go where he leads. He calls us to reach out to those who don't know Him and to those who need reminded. It's just so hard sometimes and something that I am trying to work on - I just feel so in adequately prepared for this. I just pray that He will use me where He needs me and that I can get past my own fears and just go with it!
I heart awesome friends! I got to go to dinner with my friend Carrie last night. Carrie and I are kindred spirits. She is the kind of friend that you can be yourself with - your true self - and she loves you and accepts you and all of your craziness! Thanks for a great dinner, Carrie and yes, we really should do it more often!
My to do list is really overtaking my brain right at the moment and my stomach is telling me that it is time for dinner.
Hope you had a great start to March! Can you believe it is March already??? Where on earth did January and February go to??
Oh - I might be doing another giveaway soon so keep watching for it!!