Thursday, November 10, 2011

10 Things I am Thankful For

It's the 10th of the month and while a lot of people post 10 pictures from their day - I find that difficult because my days at my desk just don't seem that exciting - I am going to give you a list of 10 things I am thankful for today.

my church
my family
friends who I can be myself around
friends who drop off firewood at my house
my house
my health
my jobs
the relationship I have with my nieces and nephew

What are you thankful for today?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Stay-Cation days 3-5 recap

I cannot believe that my stay-cation is over.
I am so bummed.
I do not want to go back to reality.
I am positive that my co-workers are ready for me to come back especially the one who covered for me all week!

Day 3 of my stay-cation was c-o-l-d and wet.  I spent my afternoon with my nephew and then picked my niece up from school.  We hung out and then went to church however, my niece didn't feel well and we went home early.  She was not at all happy with me, but I explained that I was taking her home because I loved her and wanted her to feel better.  That didn't stop her from not talking to me for awhile, but she eventually told me she loved me too.

Day 4 of my I crafted all day long.  I got a lot done, but didn't get finished, but that's okay.  There is still time before Christmas.  You will have to wait to see what I worked on as people who read my blog are getting some of those gifts.  I also went to an awesome worship service and got to hear Frances Chan speak.  He is a-m-a-z-i-n-g!!  He is an author and wrote one of the books that we read for my book club.  You can read about that here.  He really challenged us last night to read the Bible and to take it for exactly what it says and to stop trying to make is say what we want it to.  He also encouraged us to do missions right in the city that we live in. 

Day 5 I got up early and picked up my youngest niece so that I could spend the day with her.  She is just over  year old.  She cracks me up and is so much fun.  She is just learning to talk and her favorite words for the day were "boo," "ow," "hi," "baby," and "bye-bye."  My favorite words she spoke were "go-go!"  I love it!!  I will share pics from our time together another time.  I haven't even uploaded them to my computer.  I spent my evening with my neighbor and some wine.  We had a fun - fun evening and laughed and laughed.  She has become such a dear friend of mine.

How was your week?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween & Stay-Cation day 2

A cop and a witch stopped by last night.

Today was day 2 of my stay-cation.  I went to lunch with my cousin for her birthday.  She is the big 4-0 today - Happy Birthday, Steph!  We sat and talked for hours and then I headed home to spray paint my mirrors. 

 I bought all of them at the thrift store, but wasn't keen on the colors - I don't have anything red in my house and I didn't like the green on the other two so, I painted the big one yellow and the others turquoise. 

The M is for my mantle - it is time to switch things up there.  The round yellow, white and turquoise things are pizza pans from the dollar store - they will soon turn into Christmas gifts - I will share the end product when they are finished.

As I was in between coats of spray paint 2 of my favorite people and their mother showed up.  We spent the afternoon outside playing catch, drawing with sidewalk chalk, climbing trees and chasing each other.  Then we got my neighbor Allie to join in the fun...I am so glad she loves the kids because they sure love her. 

A little fun with sidewalk chalk.

What did you do today?

Monday, October 31, 2011

2nd Annual Stay-Cation

It is time for my second annual stay-cation.  I hadn't planned on actually having a stay-cation this year as I had plans to go visit my bestie, but upcoming major expensive car repairs are making me save my money and well, I believe my vehicle wouldn't have made the 4 hour trip.  I am sorry, M!!  I really wanted to come see you during your break, but it will have to wait until after the first of the year. 

So, I am making the best of my stay-cation.  The very best so far was not having to wake up to an alarm on Monday morning - oh how lovely is that!?!

I have done some cleaning which has been much over due. I then spent sometime decorating my pumpkins so they would be ready for the trick-or-treaters tonight. 

 My sister suggested using Mr. Potato Head pieces to decorate my pumpkins so she let me borrow my niece and nephews box of accessories - so many to choose from!
 Mr. Pumpkin
 Mrs. Pumpkin - she is holding a heart that says "cutie fry"  - it cracked me up!
 Yes, that is a drill and yes, I am drilling holes in my pumpkin - I saw it on pinterest

It is a little messy, but it cleans up nicely!
 My camera wasn't cooperating so this is the best picture that I was able to get of the finished product.
Any my finished pumpkins on the porch - aren't they lovely!?!

The rest of my day will involve mirrors, frames, newspaper, and masking tape.  I will be preparing things for spray paint tomorrow.  I have to get these things done today or tomorrow because the weather is going to turn cold and rainy!  y-u-c-k!!

I am linking up with Heather at Life Made Lovely today.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Weekend Ramblings

I finally feel like I may have recovered from being ill.
I don't wish that on anyone!

The one bright side of being that ill was that I lost 16 pounds.  I don't recommend weight loss that way, but hey - I have now lost 36 pounds in the last 9 months!  I still have a l-o-n-g way to go, but it is a start!

My friend's son came up to me in church and gave me a bag of trail mix and told me that he went through the same thing this week. 

This note was attached:
How sweet is that!?

I had a college friend in town this week - her 5 year old gave me this:
She drew all of the animals she saw while in the science hall that her parents and I attended. 

The rest my weekend consisted of:

unclogging drains and laundry

The pumpkin patch w/ family
Photos from the pumpkin patch to come later.

What did you do this weekend?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I have been ill since Saturday morning.  I do not like being sick, but as my mother reminded me "no one does!" So, true.  But, I am the girl who got mad that she was sick and had to miss tests in school.  Seriously what kid gets mad about that!?  I guess I am mad to be missing work because I will be so far behind when I get to go back later this week. 

The dr has ordered me to stay home, which is good since I am so week - I haven't been able to eat since Friday night.   I have tried, but I will spare you the details!

I am a busy body and a social person so this being at home alone for days with no energy to do anything sucks.  I spend lots of time laying in my bed or on my couch - I sit up for small periods, but it wears me out...ugh! 

I am just thankful for friends and family who have offered to bring me stuff, magazines, tv, blogs, facebook, pinterest, and sleep to keep me occupied. 

I certainly hope that your week is going better than mine!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


I was driving home one day singing this song a the top of my lungs:

(for some reason I could actually put the video in my post - urg!!)

I looked back and to my right to change lanes and I saw a beautiful rainbow and it brought me to tears.

I captured this rainbow on my way to work one day.  I could see a double rainbow most of the time but it was faint and I couldn't get it to come through in my photo.  I got to see this one almost my entire 30 minute drive to work.

So beautiful!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Where does the time go??

Just 6 years ago I was reading stories to the little lady!


Tonight she read 4 books to me!
Where oh' where does the time go?

It is so fun though to watch her grow up, learn and experience new things.



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